My advising approach centers on individualized, one-on-one support to help each student navigate their unique journey, complemented by robust online resources available through our dedicated Canvas advising site.
By employing a data-informed strategy, I identify common challenges and trends, enabling proactive guidance. I am committed to empowering students to make informed decisions and fostering an inclusive, supportive environment where they feel equipped to succeed.
Academic Advising
Maximizing Impact
I serve as an Academic Advisor for 900+ computer science majors and minors; as much as I want to be a reliable source for advice, I have to find ways to ensure that my limits as a single advisor never creates a roadblock to students finding the answers they need.
To accomplish this I've:
created a comprehensive online resource through our CS Advising Canvas site
developed dynamic spreadsheets that allow me to quickly work with a student to identify not only one but multiple paths through the CS major tailored to their needs
rely on data to inform where I focus my outreach to make the most impact
explore new technology to support our students, such as a GenAI Advising Assistant
When I meet one-on-one with students, I focus on ensuring that students understand the opportunities, flexibility, and challenges within the major and am particularly adept at supporting students as they navigate academic challenges, university policies, and graduation planning. I encourage my advisees to adopt a holistic perspective of their success and regularly refer them to university resources, departmental opportunities, and avenues for personal growth so they feel empowered to navigate their academic journey with confidence.
Empowering through Expertise
I focus on leveraging my expertise to guide and empower students. Whether helping them navigate a difficult situation with a faculty member or clarifying complex university policies, my aim is to demystify challenges and help students see a clear path forward. By the end of our conversation, my goal is for students to feel confident in their ability to take ownership of their educational journey.
I developed dynamic, tailored spreadsheets that help students visualize multiple paths to graduation based on their unique circumstances. This approach has been especially helpful for students on non-traditional paths, enabling them to see their path forward, even if they’ve faced setbacks. Whether repeating a core class, changing majors late in their academic careers, or taking a semester off, I want to ensure that every student sees that they have a viable plan for success. One of my favorite parts of my job is the moment a student has that sigh of relief at the end of our meeting now that they see a clear, achievable path to graduation.
Data-informed Advising
While my primary responsibility is to support students one-on-one and build a community of inclusion, I buttress this work by ensuring I have the big picture understanding of our students and the common inflection points when students leave the major. I run monthly reports to understand and capture our students in the major and minor and do deep-dives into:
our introductory programming courses, which have high attrition rates
students who do not gain full-admittance into the major
two of our core courses, which have a high number of repeat attempts
The department prioritizes students knowing within within two semesters in the program if the major is the correct fit for them: we want to balance an inclusive environment with ensuring that students fully admitted into the major will be on track to complete the major.
By examining data on student success rates and challenges, I not only tailor my advising to better support individual students but also share insights with faculty to inform decision-making and address student needs proactively.
Student-centered Core
As both an educator and advisor, I have the privilege of helping students navigate moments of uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety. It is deeply rewarding to see students experience that “lightbulb” moment when what once seemed overwhelming becomes manageable and achievable. My close work with students has shaped my approach to teaching, assignment design, and student-centered workshops.
At the heart of my teaching and advising philosophy is the belief that effective education is a collaborative process. By building trust, equipping students with the tools they need, and designing accessible resources that guide them through their academic journey, I aim to foster an environment where students feel confident in their ability to succeed. Every interaction is an opportunity to support students in discovering their strengths, overcoming obstacles, and ultimately thriving both academically and personally.
Advising Survey Feedback: October 2024
"I know individualizing the groups on canvas might be challenging/tedious, but, as a senior, I found it to be extraordinarily helpful when planning out my academic year. Thank you!!"
"It means a lot to students having someone reach out who actually cares, thank you for what you do."
"It has helped me realize a plan for my course path, which I desperately needed!"
"Multiple issues solved within a 20-minute meeting with full transparency, taking into account my input to the situation."